What is Tutoring?
Academic tutoring supports students to achieve their academic and personal aspirations. A purposeful personal relationship with a tutor enables students to become autonomous, confident, and engaged members of society.
What are the Benefits of Tutoring?
Did you know: If you receive tutoring regularly, chances are you’ll do better in your coursework. Students who attend tutoring sessions have proven to earn higher grades, stay in school longer, and succeed in their other classes. Tutoring has the following outcomes:
Offers a unique and individualized learning experience
Increases good study habits
Improves academic performance, retention, and personal growth
Encourages higher level of thinking
Improves self-esteem
Helps you become an independent learner
Puts you in charge of your own learning process
Supports in-class learning
Increases sense of community
How do students benefit from tutoring?
Tutoring could be a good option for students struggling to stay at grade level
Students who need help reaching academic goals in one or more specific areas like reading, writing, science, or math